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Gentle giant: Hulk, the world's biggest pitbull, is seen cuddled up to his six-day-old puppies in this heartwarming photo

Keeping you up? The 12 and a half stone mutt shows his duties as a father are getting the better of him as he lets out a huge yawn

Bath time: Jordan Grennan takes a bath with Hulk and two of his adorable puppies, which are now five weeks old

Who's your daddy? Hulk strikes a doe-eyed pose as he snuggles up to his litter of tiny puppies

Worth a fortune: The eight pups could collectively command $500,000 (£320,000) if they go through owner Marlon Grennan's training school to become elite protection dogs

Unfazed: You Jordan smiles happily next to Hulk - who made international headlines when he was unveiled earlier this year

Taking the beast for a walk: Jordan Grennan attempts to control Hulk as they walk in the White Mountains, New Hampshire

Play pals: The enormous hound is owned by Dark Dynasty K9s, from New Hampshire, which specialises in breeding some of the world's most fearsome guard dogs

Mr Grennan acknowledges that a dog the size of the Hulk 'could kill someone if it was in the wrong situation at the wrong time' and 'snap an arm like a toothpick'

While pit bulls are branded 'dangerous' with breeding bans enforced in the UK, Mr Grennan claims they are actually very caring and fit for the family